Thing is, I think I am over doing the travel bit. I mean seriously. And I think I am going to torture you with the details in the rest of this post, so if you're not interested, (‘cos this post has less to do with any ‘food for thought’) click that small cross button at the right top of the page.
Anyway, the current deal is a 2 week trip to work (in addition to other assignments at some different locations). Which means two half weekends spent travelling, and one whole weekend spent (technically alone) in the far-away land. Before continuing further, I need the reader, that's you, to know that I am bit stuck since past few days. 'Bit stuck' is not that strong a phrase I know. But the truth is stronger! And no, I do not believe in the 'but you can always meet so many new exciting people, and visit new places, it so much fun' nonsense. I don't.
And oh yes, somewhere in between all this running around, actually I completed 3 years of my professional career. Similarly, I celebrated my last birthday in Africa. And it so dint feel like a milestone. I think 26 is a most boring age to turn. Because, like 25, there is no announcing, I just completed a quarter of a century. Or to look at positive of 26, is celebrating entering my late twenties. Hmm, I don’t know how the coming years would be.
That being that; want to be back to regular routine life. Back to all things I always crib about, and am sure will do again soon. But that's fine I guess, and worth it, as long as it makes me feel the way I want to.
So, I will get back to my life, and you can go back to doing the more purposeful things in your life. And do come back when I post next!
WOW its quite sometime ...since the last time u cribbed this way. Reminds me of the good old days at work.....twas good...i somehow miss them ..... i kno u dont :)
Dis one looks like,a work assignment given to you for writing down here!!
Your tiresome work and travelling at the same time are shouting loud from your words! It reflects less of enthusiasm and more of pain!!
Somebody somewhere, I wud say your positive thoughts are enthusiastic, inspiring and spread zeal all over!! How abt u write next post when you are back to ur home land?? Wud help your readers start a new exciting day with your thoughts!
Thank you for the comments.
However, I dont think, the blog talks about pain or something..! It is just portrayal of thoughts prevailing at specific point of time.
Anyways, I am glad to know that the posts are inspiring for few of you. It even inspires me to write more.
Writing and posting when in home land or foreign land should not make any difference. Still, I will definitely consider your proposition.
And no, I do not believe in the 'but you can always meet so many new exciting people, and visit new places, it so much fun' nonsense. I don't.
You should've known that I would pick this line specifically to respond. This exactly is the point where you let your obstinacy take charge of you. No, I'm not asking you to be all gung-ho about the prospect of going to a new place. But the fact remains that a traveler gets to see a new place, doesn't that open more avenues? What opportunities does a limited setting has to offer after a certain point of time? You've got to explore new places when you get the chances. I'm not an enthusiastic and outgoing person myself for such things but I won't negate the fact that you can explore different places, different people and also you can explore yourself in that particular newer setting, ofcourse, with the time constraint. Exploring just doesn't mean getting into the khakhi cargos, getting a backpack and a camera to roam around, getting from point A to point B in a cab is exploring in itself. Reel in the experience of you being in that new setting.
Ok! Bored you enough.
@ desperado: Points noted sir..!
"Getting from point A to point B in a cab is exploring in itself. Reel in the experience of you being in that new setting."
@ Desperado
" I'm not an enthusiastic and outgoing person myself for such things"
I wud say above line is exactly the point where obstinacy has already taken charge over you for years!
Not enthusiastic?? I wonder...!
If you write a blog on your experimental plan of travelling (revealing the secret of places you have searched), everyone wud be amazed with energy & enthusiasm stored inside you!
Open your arms and accept that you are no different than this travelling guy!
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