As it unfolds, one discovers lot of answers and further more questions.. It goes on as the show continues.. Countless complications..!
Is it the same with all? Have you ever felt the need of being present at two places at the same time? I am sure all of us would have felt that if we can go back in time and change/ repair a few things. But have you felt you are better off if you are surrounded by the crowd or have you felt the chaos is transient? Or do you remember last time you took a minute off your busy calendar to observe the setting sun? (Even I doubt even if you had time on hands, you would be thinking of other petty issues which could have been resolved with lesser resources. Pardon me for my technical language; I am getting involved more and more in the business of Change Management and Resource Optimization.) This is just a reflection of my roving thoughts, as it was on Sunday evening. (Remember, Post 1: Sunday eves are most chaotic.)
Anyways, these questions and thousand more would never end. Last weekend, it so happened, that I squeezed out some time in Baroda. Tried to visit few of the old places, or rather places which rang a bell of good ol’ times. Although, I couldn’t pay tribute to all the places, excuses being lack of time or in fact companion. I strongly feel, people who are familiar with the places would appreciate my point in quoting them here. The moment I mention, Mahakali sev usal, I am sure your taste buds will turn on and trigger the urge to have it. To add to it, I had the famous ‘chutney bun samosa’ at BHS as my breakfast. Reminds me of our school days and much awaited break (recess) times. However, I missed out on the ‘pearl vada pavs, kachoris from pyarelal’, etc. May be next time! Hann, but, I relished omlette at Raju Omlette centre (I think our fauji ka outlet doesn’t exist anymore) and also had the famous mix plate (bhel puri – sev puri). The mix plates have a special place ‘cos it has reminisce of the tough grade 10 & 12 times, where we used to sneak out and relax at the sides of Sursagar. I will not continue as the list is limitless. I will end this string with feel of dairy den – the chaos is immaculate.. (I can’t understand why am I fascinated by chaos. That is another point to ponder!)
Okay, so the purpose of this post was to capture my random thoughts. However futile it may be, trying is the key. Its like one has to keep trying without much worrying about the results. Results will come if the efforts are put it the correct direction. That very much defines the difference between effective and efficient!
I know it is very confusing and apologize for the perplexing post. I will post more, later. (When I am sane!)