No no, I am not talking about African savanna grass! Neither am I comparing Indus valley pastures with those of Nile.
This note is on all the aspirants with towering dreams as regards to their careers and life. (Refer: Bechara Youngistan). As discussed with my able friend, Mr. Pandya, I am putting down my thoughts below.
Let me put it this way. Broadly, one can categorize people into two varieties. Ones who are less ambitious and are content with low profile roles with lesser responsibilities. Per my knowledge, this scene is very much common in European countries. However, for country like ours which is still in growth phase, the population is more ambitious. The young go-getters are available in dozens in almost all nook and corners of the country. These people make up the discontented crowd, can be one of us, which I am referring to. However, one can’t call it greed. I would go to the extent that most of the youngistan, (I am taking liberty of all such aspirants as youngistan, as they are still into active phase of growing and still feel there is lot to achieve), will struggle with the so called organizations to create a mutual symbiotic growth relationship. Further to it, as the legendary Mr. Narayan Murthy shares his secret of success, is that he created lot of millionaires to reach into list of billionaires. Its like ‘you grow, I grow’.
Okay. Lets go back to the basics and try to explore few unanswerable questions. What as per you is dream job? For some it is as simple as what you like doing, for others it is doing what they are passionate about, which inspires them. Many sum it up as there is nothing like dream job. Its an illusion. I partly agree. It is a fantasy. This has strong connection with how one lives his/ her life. How prolific and abundant ones’ life is!
The next big related question is to explore life. (It may sound bit philosophical, but I feel it is connected somehow) It is the most fascinating and illusive journey. Buddhism says it is to create value every day. Value is a subjective term and can be discussed at stretch. Even Rhonda Byrne’s Secret unveils the same thoughts. For some its strategically estimate and plan the future phases, rest believe in the moment, enjoying the current. One friend of mine strongly advocates that it is the daily questions we answer, problems we solve; which is what is called life.
The motive behind this side note is that whatever of the above you believe/ practice, wherever you might be – may it be the best employer or a small closely knit organization, may it be a cosmopolitan like Mumbai or some rural country side. One will continue to stay miserable and unhappy with the work he does, till he keeps on complaining/ whining. I am not going to get into preaching and all. Neither I am going to give motivational capsule. For I am as perplexed as you are! I am also unable to figure out, that is the grass really green on the other side?
Even I am unable to demystify the question as off now. Hope to resolve it at the earliest.The name of the post reads: ‘When I Speak to Myself’. Its pure reflection of my thoughts and readers may have different opinions. Will appreciate your inputs.
PS: I understand it looks complicated, but it really is!