Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Until I join the league..!!

A tribute to all those dear friends..

  • who used to be Bond once and are Bound now..!
  • who used to be Wild Beasts and are Tamed by the Beauties now..!

Kidding, I am..!

Will add more soon..!


Mayuri said...

Enjoy ..enjoy your freedom for few more days Gabbar soon you will also join the league :)...and will no more remain Bond (laughs)

Vengat said...

Dude don't forget we are counting our days!

Unknown said...

Inspiring, reminds me of my own to do life list. Why wait 60year to look back, lets look ahead and make the less lived oridnary to extraordinary life.

Keep walking n keep sipping the moments, its ur won painting fill it up with colors, at time it may look black at times blue, in d end it will look really beautiful if u compliement the blacks with blue.

adios along d dirty martinis!