Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Do Eyes Speak?


Few clarifications before we proceed to the post;

1. I am planning to increase the frequency of posts. It might dilute
a. Quality of the posts and
b. Interest of the readers

However, please don’t miss the un-highlighted word - “might”. Request you to share your thoughts.

2. These posts are never posted in expectation of any kind of comments. However, the comments (positive or negative; public or personal) are source of inspiration for me to write more. Appreciate your feedback.

3. Few of you had commented that my last posts were bit negative in nature (which I beg to differ). Hence I wanted to start this post on following note. However, as usual, I had to change my track considering the intensity/ gravity of the situation.

"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."
— Earl Nightingale:

I wanted to build on above mentioned note, but we can take a pause and continue on the same a bit later. And reason for the pause can be attributed to the picture in the post. I was considering the option of picture blogging when one of the friends suggested not to go for it.

That being that. Coming back to the point.I wanted to share this sketch, drawn by one of my friend. Simply putting, it’s beautiful. I might not be good at reading pictures or art. But this one is art personified.

A small child – around 7 years old – with birthday cake; so many feelings unsaid. It has no boundaries; the sketch could be of an Asian child or American or may be African. I don’t know what the lady artist thought while she was sketching it. Somehow, I am fascinated by thousand words that those little eyes convey without speaking. Is she waiting for someone? Or is she just happy?

That reminds me; do you feel like celebrating your birthday? As kids its fun, but as we grow up do we still enjoy the feeling of cutting the cake! Frankly speaking, I don’t have answer to it. Am I too grown up for my age? I don’t know, this is what I am listening to past few weeks now. However, I don’t agree to it at all. I am still a kid, you see..!

Okay, cutting it short, I sign off for the day. Will post something soon.

Anyways, Happy Birthday Gurl..!! Do you guys have a name for her? The post is open for your suggestions..!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Past few days were better with lesser chaos, inspiring me to discover more about self. (It is process of discovery – which looks never ending as off now; anyways..!) As most of you are aware, my will power is as strong as straw! My February post was delayed and missed the post of March.

However, life is rolling and I am going with the flow without much thoughts and deliberation. I am not completely sure if I will have to relook into it. If yes, how soon is the next question!

It again re-emphasizes what one of my close friends used to tell me that life is all about solving questions, finding answers to those questions which lead to further questions.

However, it still does not disprove the fact that above points encourages thinking at local level without considering the bigger picture. I would still stick to and want to break the shackles of considering micro situation and would favor to jump to macro view for resolutions which are more strategic in nature.

Recently, I came across a concept called ‘Personal Leadership Brand’ which is highly motivating. (I won’t get into details of it. In other words, will not bore you guys.) So rather than getting bugged by routine issues, let us rise up and consider bigger picture. I am tempted to quote what Michael Angelo said -

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark."

Okay people, I won’t take this further. Enough of gas..!! Let us change gears and change the topic. Lately, I had many things to share. Many moments – some magical; some mystifying..! But I can categorize them as special. However, we can discuss them at stretch later.

Today morning, on way to work, I came across something very interesting in local daily, which I am too tempted to share.


I take my wine jug out among the wood
To drink alone, without friends.
I raise my cup to entice the moon.
That, and my shadow, makes us three

(Khub jamega rang jab milenge teen yarr..! Laughs..!)

But the moon doesn’t drink
And my shadow silently follows.
I will travel with moon and shadow
Happy to the end of spring.
We share life’s joys when sober.
Drunk, each goes separate way.
Constant friends, although we wander,
We will meet again soon.


Friday, April 2, 2010

February Post

Thing is, I think I am over doing the travel bit. I mean seriously. And I think I am going to torture you with the details in the rest of this post, so if you're not interested, (‘cos this post has less to do with any ‘food for thought’) click that small cross button at the right top of the page.

Anyway, the current deal is a 2 week trip to work (in addition to other assignments at some different locations). Which means two half weekends spent travelling, and one whole weekend spent (technically alone) in the far-away land. Before continuing further, I need the reader, that's you, to know that I am bit stuck since past few days. 'Bit stuck' is not that strong a phrase I know. But the truth is stronger! And no, I do not believe in the 'but you can always meet so many new exciting people, and visit new places, it so much fun' nonsense. I don't.

And oh yes, somewhere in between all this running around, actually I completed 3 years of my professional career. Similarly, I celebrated my last birthday in Africa. And it so dint feel like a milestone. I think 26 is a most boring age to turn. Because, like 25, there is no announcing, I just completed a quarter of a century. Or to look at positive of 26, is celebrating entering my late twenties. Hmm, I don’t know how the coming years would be.

That being that; want to be back to regular routine life. Back to all things I always crib about, and am sure will do again soon. But that's fine I guess, and worth it, as long as it makes me feel the way I want to.

So, I will get back to my life, and you can go back to doing the more purposeful things in your life. And do come back when I post next!